Friday, April 20, 2007

Idiot mistake!!! Argghhh..

I've finished two out of 5 exams today.. If I rate yesterday's exam as "bad", only 1 word can describe today's.. disastrous.
For some questions, I have no idea what the hell that question is about.
For some questions, I used common sense that has nothing to do with the subject.
And for one question, which is very similar with past year's paper, I even made a serious mistake there. I am so frustrated that I cant even remember that particular question which I did less than 72 hours ago. I cant believe it.

This is one of the most terrible mistake I've ever make in exam for 21 years of my life. Please dont console me saying that it's okay to make mistake. I know, it is NOT okay, and I feel really bad.

I still have 3 more papers to go. I need to study really hard to make up for the two papers I've failed.

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