Monday, April 02, 2007

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

A very famous speech by Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and Pixar.

Needless to say, he is just extremely outstanding, really one in a million, oops.. i think one in a billion.

He gave a very strong message, do what you love to do. Be passionate about what you do. Follow your heart.

Quoting him, when you wake up in the morning with a paradigm that today's the last day of your life, will you do what you need to do? Will you go to MRT at 7 am, do repetitive jobs which you can do with your left hand and one eye closed, and come back at 6 pm, and having a bowl of stupid instant noodle or one package of McDonald? Everyday?

If your "heart" (I prefer use "intuition" here) somehow indicate that there's something wrong, there's a high chance you are right.

Life is too precious to be wasted to fulfill others' dreams. Your parents' dreams, your spouse's dreams, or your bank account's dreams. You need to fulfill your own dream, you need to answer the calling of your life, you need to have a fulfilling and rewarding life.

You're free to choose, but your choice will determine where will you be in 10, 20, or 40 years time. Will you be in your stupid office starring at the clock every 10 minutes? Or will you be in your private jet? Or will you be in Africa feeding poor people? There's no right or wrong answer. One person's "challenging life" might cause a heart-attack for the others. And one's "peaceful life" is boring for the challenge-lovers. One's luxurious lifestyle might be called materialistic by others. And one's simple life might tempt your neighbors to call you "lazy and useless creature."

However, the ultimate question is, if God ask you at the last day of your life, "hey son, how's life?", will you answer, "That's great. I enjoy every second of it."? Or, will answer "I don't remember that I have life. Yes, I do work, sleep, and talk. When can I start to have life?"

You decide.

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