Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy 62nd Birthday, Indonesia!! I love this country!

At first I was confused what title to use in this post.. But suddenly, hey, why not using almost identical title as my last post. You can label me uncreative or what, but first, please shout at every person who try to imitate the phrase "So you think you can dance". In fact, nowadays, you can find almost all variations of this ear-catching phrase, from "So you think you can cook" to "So you think you can sing", to the lame "So you think you can think". Uncreative? You bet.

Anyway... Happy 62nd birthday for my country, Indonesia. Or In Bahasa Indonesia, it's "Hari Kemerdekaan RI ke-62"...

I have spent 18 out of 21 years of my life in this beautiful country. Although it's the 4th time I celebrate its birthday outside Indonesia, the feeling is still the same.. I love this country. It's like your first love. People say, first love never dies. And it's true.

And here, I want to remind all Indonesia citizens wherever you are. Quoting JFK.. "Don't ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." And together, WE can make a difference. Merdeka!!

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