Monday, October 13, 2008

2-Become-1... This blog is now bilingual

When everyone is talking about US sub-prime blablabla and which companies going bankrupt, which companies are bought over by which, etc etc... I, hereby announce... that... pte ltd

is bought over by pte ltd

and its price is... priceless.. I mean, it's free. lol.

By the way, the first of blogs above is my latest baby, written in Indonesian (or bahasa Indonesia... btw, please stop saying that Indonesians speak bahasa. "bahasa" is language, so everyone speaks bahasa, get it?)

It's quite an inconvenience to have 2 blogs, so I decided to just merge them as one.

Meaning to say...

Whenever you start to read one or two sentences and you feel that you don't understand a word, it means... that post is not written in English. It's written in Indonesian.

Tiap kali kamu mulai baca satu atau dua kalimat, dan kamu merasa bahwa kamu tidak mengerti sekatapun, itu artinya... pos itu tidak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. (Itu) ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Yup, like that. Kayak gitu.

Speaking Indonesian is like speaking singlish. You know that it's grammatically retarded, but you still speak it because you don't want people to start looking at you strangely (Try speaking to that drink stall auntie... "Auntie, may I have one cup of hot tea without milk please?" instead of "Teh-O one.")

But of course, whenever I speak about serious stuffs, I am going to use the really proper Indonesian. It's gonna be a struggle and it takes at least 20-30% more time as I never use it anymore at least for the past 4 years. I try my best though.

Yup. That's it.


Anonymous said...

yoi ben!

Ben said...

heheheh. km inspirasinya Hen :P

Theresia said...

it's just 4 years, I haven't used the so called formal Indonesian language for 10 years?

I think all my language skills keep deteriorating these days as I use too much programming language. :(

Ben said...

haha yes.

Use it or lose it. It's never too late to pick it up again :)