Sunday, January 04, 2009

Majorly Infatuated With: The Duchess and Keira Knightley

I think in Hollywood, there 2 types of beauty. First, is the "sexy, naughty, bitchy" kinda beauty, and it's easy to give examples: Angelina Jolie, Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson.

The second type of Hollywood beauty is the classic beauty, and I won't hesitate to propose Keira Knightley as the leading authority. I am struggling to find the other examples. Well, Nicole Kidman? Kate Winslet?

Anyways, I don't think Saul Dibb could ever find better actor than Ms Knightley when it comes to acting as a princess. She is stunningly beautiful and classy. I never find History lesson to be very interesting, but thanks to this film I now think History is actually quite interesting.

The story is about a duchess who was struggling whether she would choose her true love or remained married with the duke and raised her children. Finally, she did what every good mother should do: Children come first.

I think if she were to leave her family and choose to pursue what her mother called as "instant gratification", she would be called selfish and such. I know some of you might disagree with me and saying that we should by all means pursue our true love. But I think life is about striking the best possible solution in imperfect circumstances. Sometimes we need to sacrifice something so that everyone ultimately will be benefited, and Georgiana did just that. She was able to raise her children and Charles Grey became Prime Minister.

Digging deeper, I reflected that some people were born with the silver spoon, like Duke of Devonshire. Some people work his way up and ultimately become Prime Minister like Charles Grey. It's not what you were born as, it's what you choose to be.

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